Review on Israbox..

In the case of Eric Devries, we are somewhat familiar with his ‘Hidden Agenda’, at least as far as the musical part is concerned. The duo with that other musician and songwriter Jan Baartmans grew into Hidden Agenda Deluxe, reinforced with a rhythm section and organ player. An out of combo that not without merit adapted the American roots on Pan Alley Fever and Angels in The Snow, a collaboration with the Canadian band Oh Sussanah. Afterwards, together with Baartmams, he was spotted at Matthews Southern Comfort. With Songs & Dances, Devries is now working on his fourth solo project.

Devries opted for a more intimate approach and an acoustic setting. Producer and multi-instrumentalist Janus Kolen adds subtle accents with mandolin banjo, dobro, accordion… We also hear violin contributions from Joost van Es and bassist Lucas Beukers provides rhythmic support.

Immediately after the countdown it becomes clear the horny Little White Lines tracks on honky tonk tracks with twanging strings and harmonica. In Jericho Walls, banjo and violin set the tone and support the vocals. It is flanked by the harmonic backing of Sophie Janna, who we remember from The Lasses. ”When I heard the Man sing ‘Hard Noise The Highway’, the sparkling title track is a thinly veiled tribute to Van Morrison.

In this way Devries always takes you along in carefully elaborated stories. The time when you have no control or the inevitable problems that arise with every new love, the Matters of Love meandering on wonderful strings and the melancholy intoxicated All I Know How To Do.

Pause for a moment on the relaxed, banjo fiddle-driven cajun tones of Another Round and we wind up in the concluding section with Don’t Let Me Be. The softly flying Mary is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful stages of a flawless course that ends in absolute beauty after the fiddler song But For The Grace. Sunday Eve in Amsterdam, a wistful look in the rear-view mirror, floats on acoustic guitar, tender clarinet and strings. Song & Dance Man is undoubtedly one of the better works from the song forge of the Low Countries and far beyond.

Review Lust For Life Magazine

This is already the fourth solo album by songsmith Eric Devries. An especially intimate album where the Amsterdammer is accompanied by gitarist Janos Koolen, bassist Lucas Beukers, violinist Joost van Es and Sophie Janna on backing vocals. The twelve songs are nearly all acoustic and would fit in perfectly with Matthews Southern Comfort’s repertoire, the band that Devries was part of for the last four years. And that means friendly retro-country rock from the American West-coast, with meaningful lyrics and melodies that effortlessly find their way  into your consience. In ‘Another Round’ Devries takes a jaunty sidestep into Bluegrass and also the following songs ‘Don’t Let Me Be’ and ‘But For The Grace’ lean heavily towards this genre. Kind of in the vain of Chris Hillman and his Desert Rose Band from days gone by. There is, to be fair, nothing wrong with ‘Song & Dance Man’. On the contrary, it is without a doubt one of the best albums from The Netherlands in this genre this year. 4 stars out of 5

De Gelderlander..

Marco van de Nek schrijft voor de Gelderlander: Met ‘drie akkoorden en de waarheid’ stapte Eric Devries eind jaren 70 als punker voor het eerst het podium op, inmiddels wordt hij tot één van de beste singer-songwriters van Nederland gerekend en is zijn vierde soloalbum Song & Dance Man net uit. 
‘I got these chords one two and three’, zingt Eric Devries (58) in zijn nieuwe single Little White Lies, verwijzend naar eind jaren 70 toen hij in de punktijd zijn kans greep, een gitaar omhing en op het podium stapte. Hij verdween daarna nooit meer van de planken, al is zijn muziek gaandeweg geëvolueerd tot americana en rootsrock. Met zijn vierde soloplaat Song & Dance Man hoopt Devries een volgende stap te zetten en misschien een iets groter publiek aan te boren. Maar niet té, want hij is wars van commercie. Lees hele artikel hier..

Rootsville recensie

Met flarden van bluesgrass en country komt singer-songwriter zijn prachtige americana-album “Songs & Dance Man” voor te stellen. Een 12 nummers tellende album waarbij vanaf opener “Little White Lies” alle zorgen die we de laatste periode over ons heen kregen als sneeuw voor de zon verdwijnen.

Mooi en bijzonder ingetogen gebracht is “Soften The Ground”. Ballads als “All I Know How To Do” of het met Ierse folk flirtende “Another Round” nemen je moeiteloos mee in deze wereld van “Songs & Dances”. Volledig weg dromen doe je bij het beluisteren van de prachtige ballad “Mary” en bij de klarinet tonen op “Sunday Eve in Amsterdam” besluit ik zo maar out of the blue een city-trip te bestellen naar die Nederlandse hoofdstad…mooi, zo mooi.
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Review ‘Song & Dance Man’ at The Barrier

John Barlass from At The writes: {..} the real icing on the cake is Eric’s clear, tuneful voice, which manages to suit each song absolutely perfectly – and you’d never guess his Dutch roots – his is a voice that comes to you directly from Nashville! Song & Dance Man is a thoroughly rewarding listening experience. {..} Song & Dance Man is an album that needs to be heard – and once you’ve heard it, you’ll want to repeat the experience again and again.  click to read more..